Altar Server/Master of Ceremonies/Sacristan
Moderators: Mrs. Oestriecher and Mrs. LeBlanc
Membership: Open to all 3rd through 8th grade student altar servers. Members must be an altar server in good standing of home church parish. Students will be on a rotating schedule to serve at all school liturgies. Students will also assist with parish funerals/masses when needed.
Campus Ministry
Moderators: Mrs. Oestriecher and Mrs. LeBlanc
Membership: All 8th grade students will participate as part of their religion class
Moderators: Ms. Richard
Membership: All 7th and 8th grade students who meet all qualification and are chosen through RCE try-out process
Moderators: Ms. Kaamill
Membership: Open to all 3rd through 8th grade students interested
Moderator: Mrs. Istre and Mrs. Schexnayder
Membership: All 5th through 8th grade students interested in the performing arts