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Religion Curriculum

The faith formation of students at Rayne Catholic Elementary is one of the most important differences that sets our school apart from the rest. The foundation of our school is built on our commitment to religious education. Religion is at the center of our curriculum and it is vital to our identity as a Catholic school. The objective of religious instruction is to teach our children the basic doctrines and traditions of our Catholic Faith.
“Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.  And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world.          Mt. 28:20
The seeds of faith, lovingly planted by our God, are primarily nurtured by the parents of the children entrusted to our care.  Our task is to complement the role of the parents while creating a holy environment for the students to continue to grow in the image and likeness of our God.  Our task is to teach as Jesus did.
The assessment of students will be done on a weekly basis.  7th-8th grade will be given a mid-term and final exam.
Bible:  New American Bible
Text Book/Supplement Book:  Faith and Life Series published by Ignatius Press
The curriculum covers each section:
Scripture:  God’s Word Speaking to Us
Doctrine:  Know and Understand the Basic Teachings of the Catholic Church
Sacraments and Worship:  Centrality and Importance in our lives
Morality and Social Justice:  Role of the faith community and the universal Catholic Church
Christian Faith and Practice:  Responsibility of Stewardship